An event organized by GDG Mombasa
GDG Barcamp - Android Africa Challenge 2013 courtesy of Google, Alcatel One Touch, JCertif & eApps
The Africa Android Challenge GDG Barcamp Mombasa officially kicked off at noon on Saturday morning at CAMARA Hub Mombasa, despite the chilly weather and downpour, we had about 35-40 people who actually made out of their comfortable beds to attend the event
The purpose of the Barcamp was to spread the word about AAC 2013 and GDG Barcamp and to motivate attendants to work harder and participate in AAC 2014. It was indeed a day for experienced as well as experienced Android developers.
The Africa Android Challenge proudly sponsored by Google, Alcatel One Touch, JCertif and eApps, is a multi-country challenge which will provide awards for great Android Apps developed by Africans. This is to encourage developers to write innovative android applications which is driven from local content.
The event started off with Said Fuad introducing GDG Mombasa and GDG Africa Barcamp as well as the Africa Android Challenge 2013, Well, this was really nice since most of the attendants realized the importance of participating in such challenges and were inspired and motivated to take it up next year...AAC 2014, we are looking forward to you
Thereafter, Alifiyah Ganijee had a presentation on Android Apps Development highlighting some of the key features, necessary development tools and the building blocks of Android application development.
Musa Alfan then took over and created a "Hello World" Application and clearly elaborated in depth the various files of an android project.
We then had a Question and Answer session after which Said Fuad presented his application, KenCab which he submitted in to the AAC 2013 and we also presented an application called Konect by Nicholas Kamanzi from GDG Busitema.
Later on, we had an Android Quiz by Alifiyah Ganijee, and the attendants were requested to form groups and come up with ideas for Android Projects.
And guess what? We had 10 cool ideas for Android apps listed below:
Finally, we had a cake cutting ceremony to celebrate AAC 2013 and GDG Barcamp at large, the day could not have been better!
Kudos Team Africa, Kudos GDG Mombasa!
Check out Event Photos